



Welcome to Danppun's Website

**Alert: This website has pages with automatic music
Best viewed on PC

Welcome to Danppun's Website, my little place on the internet where thoughts, feelings and other things will be stored in order to entertain myself. I am happy this page and this project in general has made me feel good about myself. Creating a space where I can put everything I have is fun, even though I don’t have so many things, I want everything to look ornate and cute around memories before they are forgotten.

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Isn't this a special occasion?

You found my page, isn't this such a special occasion? |・ω・) There must've been a long journey for you to get here, so you can relax some minutes if you want, take a look around this non-ending under contruction of a website. I've been having fun while I make this, who could've thought making a website could be so addicting... There's some things around, those are a little old but I will be uptading soon m(_ _)m! I hope you have fun while you're looking around (*^.^*)

Link to my site!

Mini uptade, from Webmaster

Hello! My name's Dan (´。• ω •。`) I've been wandering around this page for the last past year but suddenly stopped uptading for some reason (-ω-、) I'm remodeling some pages since this code is really old and messy, I hope you like them (* ̄▽ ̄)b!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀—Dan 22.09.22

Music playing right now: "Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker: Overture"

Favorite video of the month ♡